At baptism, all of those gathered welcome the newly baptized into the family of God. It’s a family where everyone is wanted and needed. You are invited to explore ways to get involved at All Saints. You may want to share your strengths or try something new. Either or both is fine. To borrow a popular slogan, “Just do it!”

“Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim” – The Hymnal 1982, #473
The Acolytes are the only kids in the parish who get to light things on fire and carry them into the Church! Far more than that, though, they serve at the altar and are the people who help worship to go smoothly. By doing so, they provide an important service to the entire community. The All Saints Acolytes are a close knit group who are always ready to welcome new members. Even though their service is serious, they have a good time doing it. At All Saints, the Acolytes are the heart of the youth group. The Acolytes Guild is open to young people beginning in Fourth Grade.
If you are interested in becoming an acolyte, speak to Fr. Byrne or Head Acolyte Christopher Batashoff

Altar Guild
“As I handle holy things, grant that my whole life may be illuminated and blessed by You” – From the National Altar Guild Association Prayer
At first glance, The Altar Guild of an Episcopal seems much like the stage crew of a play or the caterer of a fine dinner. Their primary responsibility is to be sure that the church is prepared for worship. However, their work is really a ministry of hospitality and evangelism. When the sanctuary is well prepared, it becomes a welcoming space that helps all gathered to worship without distraction.
The members of the Altar Guild serve about once a month in teams of two or three on a rotating basis. The members of the guild find that handling the holy things and being in the church gives them a sense of peace, and the knowledge that “surely the Lord is in this place.” Altar Guild membership is open to all interested teens and adults. Please speak to our directress, Stella Elder, for more information.

“They who sing pray twice.” – Martin Luther
The St. Cecilia Choir sings at the 10:00 service every Sunday morning from September through early June. The choir leads the hymns and sings an offertory anthem each week. Of course, the major holy days in the year give the choir a chance to shine with extra music. The music is chosen to complement the Bible lessons for the day. The choir’s repertoire ranges from Bach to The Beatles.
The choir, which rehearses on Sundays from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM, is comprised of all volunteers and is open to anyone who likes to sing. Our choirmaster, Arkady Leytush is an excellent teacher and has a gentle way of helping each singer and the choir as a whole perform well. It’s safe to say that many of the members of the choir find Thursday the most enjoyable evening of the week.

Adult Education
“I’m not going to do Nothing anymore” – Christopher Robin
Life-long learning is one key to a long life! At All Saints, we have a book group that meets on Tuesday afternoons. Over many a brown bag lunch, we have read and discussed both fiction and non-fiction books from a wide variety of authors from C. S. Lewis to Desmond Tutu. Our discussions focus on what the books have to teach us about faith and life. It is a relaxed group that meets from September through May.
Each Lent, we join with the other churches in the flushing Deanery for a series of dinners and presentations by the clergy of the churches. Each year the series is a bit different, but each is designed to help us on our Lenten journey.
Finally, we have begun a new series, “Befriending Our Losses” which is a monthly gathering for support for those who are experiencing bereavement.
All of our programs are open to you.

Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
“My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” – The Magnificat
The ECW is a national organization of women with chapters in nearly every parish of the Church. At All Saints, the ECW gathers bi-monthly for fellowship and to carry out their work of care for the members of the parish and outreach to those in need. The ECW coordinates our United Thank Offering appeal, the Adopt-a-Family program at Christmas, and helps to maintain contact with those who are unable to come to church. All women of the parish are automatically members of the ECW. Watch the bulletin and the events page for meeting times.

Usher’s Guild
“Lead me, guide me along the way” – traditional hymn
The Ushers Gild at All Saints is a group of people who represent the diversity of the parish. They are the first to welcome folks, invite them in, and be sure that they are invited to Coffee Hour after the service. They also assist with “traffic control” during services and receive the weekly offering. Most ushers serve about once a month in teams of three or four.

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet.” – Psalm 119:105
Lectors are, quite simply, readers. They read the first and second lessons at worship services. If you are interested in being a Lector, please speak to Fr. Byrne.